
As many have heard Ginger Baker has died.  I saw him with Cream, with Blind Faith, and then again with my son in NYC with the short-lived cream reunion.  He was an incredible drummer, in my view, and his abilities on display during the short-lived reunion shows were diminished from the original days of Cream.  BDP24 may have some things to say here.  I think GB was the epitome of what a rudimentary-based drummer with a jazz/swing feel could become.  Few achieved his level of mastery, I feel.
The beat goes on...

Too young to understand/experience The Cream, or catch Ginger in any of his later accomplishments.

I did however get turned on to Cream from a hand me down "Goodbye" a couple of years after its release.  Thank goodness for DVD's!

My parents ignored a drum set request, and figured an electric guitar was a compromise. At the time Classical piano lessons were a drag, it just didn't sound cool like a cranked up LP thru a Marshall.

R&R is now just a hall of fame.