Follow up to 10 x 10 room speaker dilemma....

I posted a question earlier asking for suggestions for speakers in my room - basically a 10 x 10 cube. As it turns out, there are no nodes or standing waves in the room, so room treatment was not a serious issue, though I will be inserting a couple of bass traps in the corners. Anyone who was kind enough to offer their opinion may recall that I was using Aerial Model 5 speakers with a Vandersteen 2W sub. The best solution I could find after trying most of the suggestions offered, was to get rid of my Blue Circle BC26 amplifier (I was kind of sorry to see it go) and my Vandersteen sub, and insert a Blue Circle AG8000 amplifier. This was a somewhat costly, but EXTREMELY effective solution to the problem. The loss of low mid frequencies was eliminated, and everthing, EVERYTHING, sounds spectacular. I will post a review on later this year, but in short, the AG8000 is unf***ingreal. Now that my shameless rave is over, my question is; Since a change of power amp has brought about all the improvements in my system that new speakers should have, is it possible that we as audio enthusiasts over-emphasize the importance of speakers in a system? Clearly I have a unique room and situation (though don't we all) but am I wrong to be surprised by the effect of superior amplification? I also wonder how often that we as a group address a problem in our systems by changing the wrong piece of equipment? Comments anyone?

Showing 1 response by homedesign

I am curious. You changed amps, and eliminated sub-woofers in a 10' cube, and attribute an improvement to the amp. Why isn't getting rid of the sub responsible for the improvement.

And, how did you determine that the room had no standing waves or nodes. I didn't realize that such a room existed, especially a cube (which is supposed to be the worst).

When I tamed my room to some degree one of the things I noticed most was improved bass. Room nodes, standing waves, and echo slap distort and color sound energy pretty much in the entire frequency range.

The max low frequency a room can handle is a multiple of the longest room dimension. Your room max is probably around 50-60hz. I have a 24' dimension which comes out to 24hz. My speakers will go down to 20hz so my problems weren't that serious. But the room is only 12' and 13' wide.

If you attempt to reproduce even down to 40hz you are probably asking for it. Especially with two or more like room dimensions. Of course keeping the volumn down low, or playing material without anything in the lowest register, masks many problems.

By the way, it takes serious bass traps to effect even 40-50hz frequencies. To tame below that you almost need a room, or attic space as a trap to have any affect. Or, of course, an active crossover, and an equalizer to just mix out, or down, the offending frequencies (not cheap).

A rule of thumb in speaker placement for instance is uneven distances from side to head wall --usually floor to ceiling is uneven, but without chanaging listening position height there isn't much you can do about that.

If you place them say 2' from the head wall, you want probably at least 3' from sides, or vise-versa, as much as you can up to thirds, if you see what I mean. But I suspect that in a 10' room you have them pretty close to the corners, and fairly equal.

This is crucial in that matching speakers to room size, and their placement, gains the greatest result in taming room anomalies, and offers the greater effect on the quality of sound you hear. More so than any component. Especially the gear, cables and tweaks.

If you would like to get into greater detail in any of these areas feel free. I will enjoy it.

Southern California