Extended Warrenty???

I recently puchased a 65" Mitsubishi big sceen TV. The dealer was really pushing the extended warrenty (5 years for about $350). Are these necessary? Helpful? Do you really need to clean/realine these every year? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I can still get in on it before the TV is delivered. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by stokjoc

Although the standard answer is no, I think it is not so simple. Several years ago I purchased a laptop from someone who stuck me with a lemon. Fortunately for me it had an extended "transferable" warrentee. After two unsuccessful repairs the warrentee company decided to give me $1200 credit towards a new unit at a major retailer. I only paid $600 for the original computer so it was a real windfall. Consider the hourly cost of repairs plus parts and the cost of a warrentee can be a real bargain. It is also a major selling point if you sell. BTW I am still using the second laptop after two years and am typing this follow up on said machine !