Extended Warrenty???

I recently puchased a 65" Mitsubishi big sceen TV. The dealer was really pushing the extended warrenty (5 years for about $350). Are these necessary? Helpful? Do you really need to clean/realine these every year? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I can still get in on it before the TV is delivered. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by bishopwill

I seldom buy extended warranties but a year or so ago I did when I picked up a Sony ES (can't recall the model offhand) CD jukebox for my son. It listed for $1100 and I bought it for $200 from Sound Advice without box, manual, or remote. $30 for three years of warranty seemed reasonable.

The unit went back to the shop twice. The first time, the 3rd party repair shop replaced the laser and cleaned the mechanical drive train. The second time, they replaced the entire laser tracking/drive unit, the control board, and a couple of parts in the drive mechanism. No questions asked, old parts returned to me with the repaired unit, turnaround less than two weeks.

I got lucky! OTOH, I haven't bought any extended warranties since then so go figure.
