Emotiva RMC-1 or RMC-1L

Has anyone experienced any of these processors and if so, how may it compare to my Primare SP32HD? 
Thx in advance. Bacardi

Showing 2 responses by soix

One of my friends had one of the Emotiva prepros and it was an absolute nightmare.  He couldn’t wait to get rid of it.  Too many bugs that just made his experience miserable.  Too many other good choices to risk dealing with Emotiva prepros IMHO. 
Yup, there are already problems with the RMC-1.  Emotiva just seems to have problems producing bug-free prepros.  My advice, go elsewhere.  Classé, Anthem, etc.  Here’s an excerpt from the RMC-1 thread on AVS Forum...

This little bit here says a LOT to me:

“Editor's Note: After this review was prepped for publication, Emotiva VP/CTO Lonnie Vaughn informed me that as a result of my reporting, the company has discovered the cause of the intermittent channel-loss issue I experienced infrequently in Spider-Man PS4. As of this writing, the code fix is being internally vetted and should be released to the public by week's end.”

Why now? Why when a reviewer gives feedback all of a sudden they can find the cause? I’ve been reporting this issue to them on my UMC-200 and my XMC-1. Now all of a sudden they can fix it? (Also, has it been fixed? My XMC-1 did it again last night)
Run away.  Run far away.