Emmlabs CDSA

This is one of the few players I am considering.Unfortunately there isn't any in my area to audition( same goes for the Berkeley dac).
I would like to get the opinions of those who have either owned it or auditioned it. WHat did you like about it? What did you NOT like about it? strenghts/weaknesses etc.
ANy and all input would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by calloway

pupul57...yes it does have the upgraded transport which is better then the original..and i am ...also..talking about the $~12.5k player..the price with the upgraded transport...and the $25 player ...i am sure..is better then the $12.5 player. ...and for the other poster..' WTF could possibly make this player worth $25,000'...the same reason a porsche is worth $100,000....you buy the kia...it's all relative
..i have had mine for about 2 years and have loved every minute...it replaced a heavily modded scd-1 and is far superior in both the sacd format and ... maybe more importantly..the cd format....there are no drawbacks to the sonics. it is truely a superb player.the transport mechanism has not received great marks as there are better..the esoteric comes to mind...although the new cdsa player...~ $25k..apparently does use the esoteric transport.you will not be dissappointed with it ..it is a great player...