Emm Labs Transport with other DAC?

Just curious to know if anyone is using a CDSD with a non Emm Labs DAC, and if so, how is it working out?
Right tinman but I'm not attempting to sell something in every post.

Big difference in our approaches.
You're right I suppose but I'm not selling something in every post I make.

Big difference.
Audiofeil: So as you are a retailer, I guess your recommendation of "A retailer's recommendations should be taken with a grain of salt", should be taken with a grain of salt.
I am using a pre SE CDSD (replaced my front end with all EMM SE) in another system with a Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC by the AES/EBU connection. I find the sound to be excellent, but not up to the SE pair.
The transport is an excellent transport, but the magic is when combined with an EMM Labs DAC. I would recommend going with another transport or getting an EMM Labs DAC to combine with the CDSD.