Dynavector Karat 17D3: retip for $500 or get something new?

I have a Dynavector Karat 17D3 cartridge which I liked soundwise until it began to mistrack severely. Had it examined and it turned out the diamond is almost completely worn out.

I can get it retipped with the new Micro Ridge Stylus for $500. Alternatively, I can attempt to sell it, add $500-$600 and get another cartridge. The question is: can anything it the range of $700-800  sound better than a retipped "old" Karat? 

My system consists of Mitsubishi LT-30 turntable, Nakamichi CA-7A preamp, SONY TA-N330 ES power amp and Solstice MLTL speakers. Speakers are not very bass-efficient so the new cartridge shouldn't be bright.   


Showing 7 responses by heyitsmedusty

@chakster , np. Just wanted to make sure you knew they had expired. It's why I post up links to Google Drive, so they can be accessed months/years later. 
@lewm the re-tipping I had done did not include a cantilever replacement, just the stylus. And you are correct that the stylus he attached is not the exact same as the micro-ridge originally used. I'm sure the character has changed somewhat from the original stylus. I think most re-tipping efforts will change the sound somewhat, for better or worse, depending on the quality of materials and craftsmanship. 

All I can really speak for is my own experience, which was exceedingly positive. 

I just wanted to chime in, as a commenter in one of the relevant discussions linked to above. I had my Dynavector 17D (original) re-tipped by Joseph Long, and it sounds incredible.

If you're near KY and would like to see the craftsmanship in person and hear how it sounds on my setup, you are welcome to stop by. There's no amount of convincing I can do in a forum that would stand up to the impressive music it creates in my system. 

Joseph is on eBay as "cartridge_retipping-5". If he can retip an original 17D, he can retip a 17D3. Feel free to message me directly if you're looking for any more info on my experience or the result. 
@chakster , I don’t performing any re-tipping services, so I’m sorry I can’t answer your question about how.

My only experience with re-tipping Karat cartridges was through Joseph on my 17D, so you’re right I can’t guarantee that he can also do a 17D3. The original poster would have to ask him directly, or @needlestein . I would imagine its possible as I believe the stylus is mounted in the cantilever the same on both cartridges; laser-drilled hole in solid diamond cantilever, stylus shank fixed in the hole, probably with a tiny amount of glue to keep it there.

As covered in the other discussion posted above, which you were involved in, the re-tipping does use more glue than the original mounting. In theory, the tiny additional mass from the glue would have a negligible to non-existent impact on the sound, which has been verified by my ears as the cartridge sounds terrific! Your ears may hear something different, and my invitation to you from the previous thread stands, to stop by for a listen if you ever find yourself nearby.

I’ve included a link to the re-tip job done on my 17D. It’s ok if you feel the need to say negative things about it as you did on the previous thread, because your opinion does not affect the sound of the cartridge. :)


From my correspondence with Joseph:

" I saw your question on Audiogon. Yes, it is possible to remove the Namiki Micro Ridge diamond from the square hole on the end of the 17D3 cantilever and fit a new one. I have done so, myself, so I know it is possible. Yours is an older model with an Ogura diamond cantilever that is just a slot. This would be or should be somewhat easier to do than the completely surrounded Micro Ridge. I have done a zillion Ogura slotted cantilevers.

Please see the photos I have included. In fact, I have retipped these using every method you inquire about successfully depending on the needs of the cantilever. Most of the time, people send me one that is already broken, so I don’t have a choice. They want to keep the diamond cantilever, and sometimes there is no hole or slot left anymore. It’s no problem. I install a surface mount type diamond which I have in stock. These are very short Gyger 2 or Micro Ridge. If the hole is broken and now more like a slot, I can install a full height Micro Ridge. Yours is not a Micro Ridge but an Ogura and it’s a slot, not a hole.

One of my latest feedbacks, if not the latest one, involves a 17D3, the one in the top photo. The customer is very pleased."

@chakster , I’m sorry if you interpreted my experience as a request for others to praise my re-tipper. I think everyone should form their own opinion, as I have done.

Just to clear up any confusion readers may have from Chakster, I am not requesting that anyone praise anyone. I do hope I have conveyed my own positive experience accurately.

When considering the poster's original question regarding the cost/benefit of just getting a new cartridge vs re-tipping, as one of the few people who have had a Dynavector Karat cartridge re-tipped, I just wanted to share my own experience. I think that's what this forum is all about, right? It's all subjective, and people with relevant experiences throw in their 2 cents!