Double up on Kimber Kable 4TC??

My old setup required extra-long runs of speaker cable (Kimber 4TC). My new setup allows for much shorter runs between electronics and speakers, so I cut the long runs in half. Can I use two sets of this cable on top and bottom?
Actually, I'm already doing it (4 cables per speaker: biwired with two pair on each set of binding posts). Although the sound is, IMHO, great, I was wondering if utilizing this method is a mistake due to some specific reasons that only you truly informed audiophiles would know about!

Your advice.


Showing 1 response by todster

So what is the correct way to "double up" a cable for biwiring? Do you run both positives down one run of 4tc and the both negatives down a second run of 4tc, or do you run positive & negative for the woofer down one run of 4tc, and positive & negative down for the tweeter down the second run of 4tc?