Does the Krell KAV-400Xi overheat?

I ran accross this ariticle about the 400Xi:

The reviewer states the Krell might well overheat if used for a party. This worries me a bit. I don't play my music really loud, but I'm going to be running a pair of Usher CP-6381's which are only rated at an 87dB efficiency.

I had just about mad up my mind to buy this unit when I ran across this article.

Any 400Xi owners out there?

Showing 2 responses by k_rose

Hi just out interest, if use's havent tryed an isolation feet as yet,I put some under they are herbies, I end up putting the under the feet(herbiesaudiolab)for the price Iam happy, has any body tryed any islostion products under there krell.
I own one and its fine I leave it on twenty four hours a day, had for well over a year never had any problems, nice little amp, yeh it run hot when driven at modest levels and thats when it is at it best.
Best Of luck