Does Avalon speakers have a house sound?

If so, how would you describe it?

I heard someone describing them as "a litle brittle in the highs and thin in the mids". Is that so?

Showing 1 response by gocubs999

Finally an intelligent response to the Audiogoners original question. Up to this point I was treating my review of responses here as standard humor.

I auditioned the Eidolon (Non Diamond), Indra's, Focal Utopia Scala's, Vienna Acoustic "The Music" and B&W 800D's at a local dealer. Room was professionally designed with appropriate sound treatment - I'll get back to that point in a minute. All of the upstream component's were identical (Pass Labs 100.5's, Playback Designs MPD5, Kubla Sosna Elation cabling, J River playing high rez files.

While all of the speakers mentioned are reference quality and have plus's/minus's, as any other component in this crazy hobby; The Indra's just did something special. They did not deliver the bass weight of the Scala's or VA's, however; the base was tight and accurate. The coherence and transparency they displayed could not be achieved with the others I heard. They just disappeared and made you feel as if you were in the studio listening to a master recording.

Back to set up & room treatment. As Vicdamone articulates, proper placement is key to getting the most out of your system/speakers. Avalon invests pages upon pages in their User Manual as such. Additionally, appropriate room treatment is critical to get any speaker to shine. (Bass Traps, Wall Absorbers, Ceiling panels, etc.) Hence, we all invest gobs of time, energy and $$ to achieve the very best sound in the space we live....Like sand through our fingers.

I am not familiar with Monitor Audio, but I do know this: if you are looking for a speaker that provides tremendous detail (Macro/micro Transients), coherence, sound-staging, etc...You will be ecstatic with Avalon's. The only other speaker I would consider other than Avalon's that provides similar qualities would be the Tidal Contriva Diacera SE. Until then, my Indra's are staying right where they are.

We live in the 21st Century....Self Promotion is NOT a characteristic that is admired or considered credible. BOL.....Cmon Man!