Does Avalon speakers have a house sound?

If so, how would you describe it?

I heard someone describing them as "a litle brittle in the highs and thin in the mids". Is that so?

Showing 1 response by chuck

I have been a happy Avalon owner for many years. I first owned a pair of the Avalon Eidolons for many years. I sold them and tried B&W 800, Vienna Acoustics Mahler, Eggleston Andra, Usher BE20, Revel Studio and a few others. If I were to describe the "house sound" of the Avalon's it would be a huge sound stage with incredible transparency and immaging. Do they have a downside? of course they will not play as loudly or as deep as other speakers. If you are seriously interested them you MUST audition them in your own home and see if you like their sound. They are not for everyone as they are ruthlessly revealing. You must have top flight gear in you system. Everytime I have upgraded a component in my system the Avalon's performance has elevated. Trust me when I say that is not the case with most speakers!!