Do you listen to your heart or your eye?

There are tons of good speakers out there, not to mention personal preferences, but how many of you buy speakers PURELY based on sound? I have owned over a dozen $10k+ speakers in life, but always wanted to own Sonus Faber Amati for its look. I never once liked the sound at dealer demo, but I contributed the bad sound to equipments and rooms (Classe or Levinson). But convince the SO is much easier with Amati than another square or weird looking box. My yard stick is high, the trust worthy Dynaudio Confidence 5 which has seen no equal after three years. What do I do or what have you done?

Showing 1 response by rosstaman

When I purchased my last speakers, the only factor my wife requested is that the speakers do not look like "R2D2" or anything that came off the "Star Wars" set. Among the numerous speakers I listened to, I wound up getting a pair that are very plain looking, but sound beautiful. Dynaudio Contour 3.3's.