Do I need BOTH amp and pre to be sonic holography?

I have Carver TFM 35 amp and C6 pre. I was considering replacing Carver pre with McIntosh C35 pre. Would I still have the sonic holography with just the Carver amp, and any thoughts as to whether this might be a worthwhile change/upgrade? (I'm not concerned with a tuner at this point.)

Showing 1 response by countvan

Wow. The depth of knowledge, and generous willingness to share it, is stunning and very much appreciated. Obviously I am a neophyte to this hobby, but learning as I go along with limited finances at this point, from research, trail and error, and in no small way from quite helpful people such as yourselves.
Sorry, I did realize I needed the pre for holography, but was interested in the value of the concept. Thank you Ghost, I shall start search for upgrading preamp first, as affordably as I can. Perhaps the Mc C35 I mentioned.