Do I Have the Wrong Cartridge?

I recently got back into playing vinyl on my Linn Axis (fully serviced), but needed a new cart. Since 80% of my listening is on an ARC CD3 and not knowing how often I’ll use the TT, I set a budget of only $300 on a MM and went to my local HiFi shop. They recommended a Rega Elys II.

Now to my problem...I listen to classical music and it sounds awful with this cart; strings and brass are harsh and music sounds thin overall. All my LPs are top class, pressed in Germany and Holland.
To test my TT, I played some Rock albums and they all sounded excellent; great dynamics, wide soundstaging. Records played were a wide variety; Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, Mahavishnu Orch, Kraftwerk.

So I ask you, can a middle of the road cartridge like this Rega only sound good on a particular style of music? I was told this Rega was a good all-around cart and BTW, it’s non-returnable.

Looking for any explanation and advice.
Many thanks.

Showing 2 responses by nick_sr

Doug, regarding your view of HOMC carts,
HOMCs arguably bring you the worst of both designs, often at higher cost than an MM.

My experience has been very different, I replaced an Ortofon 2M blue with a high output Benz Glider and the difference was like night and day. Clearly these carts are not in the same class. The benefit may be due to the boron cantilever and stylus shape but I think it's unlikely.

HOMCs provide a good value by eliminating the need for a SUT or high gain phono stage.

@lowrider, I would like to say stay clear of the 2m blue, but at 200$ I am not sure that there is anything much better.


I would just like to add, you suggested that the benefit of an MC over an MM is the difference in moving mass and given the added coils of HOMC this benefit is lost.

I argue that the mass of HOMC although higher than the LOMC is still much less than that of an MM and the diffence is big enough to still draw a significant benefit. Paired with a properly matched phono stage a HOMC can provide results that are better than LOMC for the same total cost (cart +SUT).