Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 

Showing 1 response by springbok10

Mac MR-67, Accuphase T-100, Sansui TU-9900 and Mitsubishi DA-F20 - all superb with a whip antenna 3 stories high,pointing to a great classical station in CT and WQXR in NYC - the MR 67 rules with incredible sound, but the Accuphase  and Sansui not far behind.
The MR 67 is serviced by Audio Classics every few years.
one of these is on during our waking hours daily. We never know, when the MR is playing, whether it’s a CD or the tuner - until an announcer speaks.