Dealing with transformer hum

My Belles 150 makes a humming/vibrating sound which I'm told is due to the transformer. At average listening levels, the hum is not an issue at all, because it's not loud enough to be heard, but I do a lot of really low level listening at nights, and this hum is driving me absolutely nuts.

I don't have the option of really moving the amp much and there are no enclosures to hide it away in. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by clbeanz

My rig uses short paths throughout run from pole to meter base/through dual dedicated to units(less 40')second breaker after a/c,yet I heard torriodial humming late evening when the noise floor drops.
Tracked it down by throwing breakers off line one by one. Narrowed down the offending circuits,outdoor lighting transformer,toothbrush charger,cheap radio,refrig. So now I just throw those breakers off,when turning on the audio breakers.Ahhh ,the details emerge from a black hole now!