DACs And Classical Music

I was reading a thread recently where the poster mentioned that the sub $500 DAC he was using was excellent, except for classical music.

What is it in classical music that would be a challenge to a DAC?

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

That may have been an issue way back - I don't know why though, but today's DAC'a are very good across all genres.

Perhaps the poster was referring to the lower sampling rate of less expensive DACs and he required 24/192 or higher - but that's not so much an issue any longer

The Sciit Bifrost with USB (asynchronous) is around $450 and a very good performer up to 24/192- does an exceptional job with good power and interconnect cables on it.

I have just auditioned an Interconnect that might just turn the tables on classical's "rigor".

It comes from Keith Louis Eichmann Innovations - designer of the original Bullet RCA plugs - but they now have a completely new line of products

The Essence gZero3 is an incredibly good IC, especially for classical music lovers - it seems to place you right into the recording venue and surround you with superb venue acoustics which adds to the realism.

It comes in around $375 for 1 meter.

Unfortunately - the rest of your cables (speaker and power) have to be pretty darn good also to get this effect.

My system is pretty modest, with very good cables, but the KLEI cables brought out the very best in it.

I also audiotioned the gZero2 Speaker Cable at the same time - the combination of the pair was simply stunning

I've even taken to opera, which always used to sound like glass breaking before these cables.

Google them - it will take you right their site for further details
