Correcting drifting with Sutherland Timeline

Just had a couple of days setting t/t speed using my newest purchase - the Sutherland Timeline Laser timing tool and thought I would share how good it is, once I got my head around how best to set-up and use it.
The supplied one page instructions are vague to say the least and it took me time to settle on which wall I was looking at to see the laser projection settle.
But once I got that fixed, it was easy to make minute adjustments on the VPI SDS and easy to correct drift and pitch. I found that using a sheet of graph paper 'blue-tacked' onto the wall behind.
Astonishing to see the effect that the addition of the periphery ring clamp to HRX platter had on RPM. Never before have I been able to recognise and so accurately use adjustment of SDS khz and hear the pitch snap in to focus.

Showing 3 responses by scousepasty

Not done any tests with various weight LP's yet.
Planning on cutting an 'O' ring to fit in the top groove of the TimeLine so that I can sit my VPI HRX weight securely on top of the TimeLine, for 2 reasons; The TimeLine is not a much of a weight compared to VPI's, and to see if I can get a reading so that I can calculate the speed change & remove the TimeLine and just have the VPI weight.
Also, was hoping to have my Ref 2 Phono back from GNS for the week-end but FEDEX seem to have problems making delivery.............dooohhh!
So far I've found that it takes about 5-8 revolutions of the HRX platter to recognise a .05 Hz frequency change that I make on the SDS, and stabilse.
I don't have perfect pitch but this helps me get closer to perfection than I've ever managed with a strobe disc, with the big advantage that you adjust while the lp is playing live.
IMO: Worth having if you have a t/t in which you can finely adjust motor control.
Yes, you can see this stylus drag, plus different cartridge loads, different weight vinyls, belt tension changes, etc.
And because the laser projects around the room, you can see minute changes around the complete revolution.