Correcting drifting with Sutherland Timeline

Just had a couple of days setting t/t speed using my newest purchase - the Sutherland Timeline Laser timing tool and thought I would share how good it is, once I got my head around how best to set-up and use it.
The supplied one page instructions are vague to say the least and it took me time to settle on which wall I was looking at to see the laser projection settle.
But once I got that fixed, it was easy to make minute adjustments on the VPI SDS and easy to correct drift and pitch. I found that using a sheet of graph paper 'blue-tacked' onto the wall behind.
Astonishing to see the effect that the addition of the periphery ring clamp to HRX platter had on RPM. Never before have I been able to recognise and so accurately use adjustment of SDS khz and hear the pitch snap in to focus.

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My Clearaudio strobe is not functioning properly. Of course this only happened once I moved my turntable to a new spot and friends coming over for a listen the next night.
Cds it was for the night, but vinyl is what we wanted to listen to.

Purchased the Sutherland Timeline which I will receive on Monday.
Should be interesting, accurate I hope........
Will comment once I have had a chance to use it on my table.
Till then,