Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria?

After years without one, I'm considering getting a CD player. I'm not against streaming, but I have many CD's and would like the simplicity of just playing them from time to time. I probably want to cap my expenditure at $700, or so, because this won't be the only way I play music.

A few questions:
If you've purchased a new CD player, what did you buy? Why?
If you've purchased a used player, how old is too old? What factors helped you choose?

My concern with used is that the transport mechanism of older players will be getting tired, and this won't be knowable just because a unit "checks out" with the site (or individual) testifying to the player's working condition. There's got to be an average point for many machines to give up the ghost, mechanically (varying from machine to machine, of course).

Showing 6 responses by mesch

The OP has purchased a Cambridge CXC and a MHDT Orchid DAC. 

A great combination for the money, and beyond.
You could purchase the 1st gen Cambridge CXC transport new for close to $300, leaving you  up to $400 for a DAC. What do you use for streaming now?
Suggest using your Audioengine D1 and purchase either the Cambridge of Audiolab transport. Search digital forums here, a couple posters who have tried both say the sound of the Audiolab is better. I purchased the Cambridge due to the closeout price of the original (I paid $325). Was considering the Audiolab also. You will buy time for researching the DAC/streamer market. 
As I mentioned in an earlier post I am with you on getting a transport to use with your DAC. Added flexibility, no need for redundant DACs, better upgrade path.  There are a couple posters on this thread that preferred the Audiolab transport over the Cambridge. The original Cambridge can be had for close to 1/2 the price however (~$300).  
I use a Audioquest VDM-5 coax between my CXC and Audio Mirror DAC. I also use the Glass toslink cable mentioned above by loomisjohnson. It connects my DVD player to the same DAC. Another quality glass toslink is made by Lifatec. Though more expensive it remains a budget product.. 
I am not one to speak about what is the best buy for any cable. I do know that without them my system sounds a little dull :). To me a reasonable expenditure for a cable might be up to 10% of the cost of the two components to be connected. There are those on this forum that have more experience than I who feel a greater expenditure is warranted. I simply take an approach that fits my philosophy and run with it. 

Room treatment, component isolation. cable routing are issues that can be addressed without great expenditure.

I enjoyed a listening session last night and was truly blown away. That is what this is all about.