Considering Bricasti and Lampizator

I'm looking for a new DAC in the sub 10k range (used). After reading about several options here and elsewhere, the ones I find most intriguing are the Bricasti M1 and the Lampizator Big 7.

Has anyone directly compared these two great DACs? If you have: any thoughts about the differences, and which you preferred?

Just to throw a few talking points out there, here are a few things which make me a bit shaky about each option:

Bricasti M1:

Introduced in late 2011, so it's 3.5 years into its life cycle. Can it really hang with more recent offerings? Is a newer model coming soon?

Lampizator Big 7:

A dizzying array of options (caps, DSD, tube rolling, ...). Is this really the way off the merry-go-round?

Lack of stability in their product line, with new models and options coming out continuously. How does this affect resale value?

Showing 1 response by mrmb

I don't think you could go wrong with either. I heard the M1 at an audio store that utilized my speakers. It was very good. Thereafter, I bought a Big 7 and it is providing the best digital that I've ever had in my system.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear the M1 and Big 7 together in my room, with my other ancillary equipment. However even if I did, my results compared to yours and your system may be incomparable.

Suffice it to say that based on several other very satisfying buying decisions and equipment acquisitions, my purchasing leanings are towards the small boutique type manufacturers like Lampizator.

Since 2005 I've only owned tubed DAC's, and having over 40 tubes in the rest of my equipment, I enjoy having the ability to roll tubes. The Big 7 does nothing but reinforce that conclusion.

Digital is in a state of much more flux than other components, and although I've never put much weight in buying for resale, it even makes less sense to do so for digital components. Buy what you prefer today and hope you will be around or even care about resale when it comes time to upgrade. Of course if you're on the latest and greatest bandwagon and consider ROI to be of more importance than I etc., your mileage will substantially vary....