Considering a new amp for my Vandersteen Quatro CT

I've been using a Bryston 4Bsst2 with my Vandersteen Quatro CT for the past 5 years.  This was not an amp I purchased for the Quatro, just one that I happened to already have.  It is about 12 years old. It has been a solid performer and I have no specific complaints....just curious what a different amp might offer.  My preamp is an Audio Research LS-15.  There are three amps that have been recommended by various sources.  The Ayre VX-5 Twenty, The CODA Model 8, and the Moon by Simaudio 760a.  These are all in my general price range.  Anyone have experience with any or all of these?  Which would you think would be the best match with my speakers?


Showing 1 response by bigkidz

Spending thousands on another amp is a waste of money. The Bryston is an excellent and reliable amp. You will only be fooling yourself to think that a newer amp will somehow sound better and more "musical". 


Interesting comment but I do not have the same opinion.  We manufacturer audio products and repair audio products plus live in the NYC area where we have heard and have access to more audio components than most people have ever heard.


That being said, the Ayre is a good choice, and you should also consider the Asthetix hybrids.  Depending on where you are located and what your budget is, I use our Class A tube amp on my Vandersteen 5As which so far provides the best sonics I have heard on the 5As.  Since we repair so many amps, I get to hear what they sound like so you can say that I am biased but it is not only my opinion as many people have heard the sound.  You do not need that many watts as you might think to drive your speakers.  Even the old Counterpoint SA-100 power amps sound good on the Vandersteens for cheap plus they can be upgraded to reference level.

PM me if you want to discuss.

Happy Listening.