Conrad Johnson dedicated fansite

If anybody is interested there is a new fansite dedicated solely to Conrad Johnson Onwers. You can find it at Or just google "Conrad Johnson Owners". It's basically a forum discussion site except it's the only one to my knowledge that is exclusive to Conrad Johnson owners Hope this helps.

Showing 5 responses by steveaudio

I may go there & post about my recently "fried" (according to C-J) PFR pre-amp :-(. Oh well. But thanks for the tip; I'll check out that site.
"There is a "troubleshooting" topic area on so that may be a good place to post your issue. Maybe somebody can give some advise about repairing it."

Well, I'd do that if I could find out from C-J repair what exactly is wrong with it. It's been there since June 14. Other than a couple of conversations with Ed a few weeks ago that it was "fried" (he couldn't tell me why, or a specific diagnosis), that's all I know.

Oh, & he promised to call me back, but never did, & now doesn't respond to phone messages. I know he's there, b/c sometimes a secretary answers, & says she'll put me thru, but then he's always "on another call, & will call me back", (but doesn't).

Only way to get thru to him now is if he happens to P/U the phone himself, but he can't or won't tell me anything, promises to call me back, but never does.....
08-22-12: Bogeybuster49: "Every light on the front panel lit up like my christmas tree."..."a voltage fluctuation
of the AC coming out of the wall socket. This is most likely after a power interruption."

The "Every light on the front panel lit up like my christmas tree" is what happened to my PF-R. During a sudden rainstorm. I didn't see any lightening, but there could have been a brownout, or who knows. (I was rushing around the house unplugging electronics as fast as I could).

I suspect certain C-J components are easily damaged by any kind of power interruption. (I have a couple of other examples, but I'd rather not go into it).

I've kind of just "written off" the PF-R. Whether they ever send it back to me after 9 weeks & counting, I don't know. Whether it's really "fried" like Ed said during one of the rare times I could speak to him, I could totally believe, if they actually told me a specific diagnosis.
Finally after 3 months, C-J is sending back my "fried" PFR pre-amp. I figured maybe I could sell the face-plate, or as-is for parts. I asked Ed to provide a copy of the diagnosis, but given my experience so far, I'm not holding my breath......
"Did you do something that caused your PFR to fry or did it do it all by itself?"(Tomcy6)

It happened during a sudden thunderstorm. I didn't see any lightning. I immediately rushed around the house unplugging everything, but got to the PFR too late.

I talked to Ed several times over the 3 months, he was very apologetic about the delay, & gave me a big break on the diagnosis cost. I now have it FS for faceplate or whatever parts still work. Oh yes, diagnosis was: "All digital IC's are blown, not worth repairing".

More than the money lost, I think it's just that I loved that pre-amp so much that's "bumming me out". To add insult to injury, instead of the pr-f & a mf2250, I'm now using temporarily a Krell KAV300i (that I only bought b/c a friend was selling it so cheap).

If only I'd had "that Krell thing", as I refer to it, plugged in that day, instead of the C-J gear.....Oh well....