connectng CD player directly to amp, good or bad?

Some CD players with volume control can be connected directly to power amp, bypassing pre-amp. Mark Levinson 39 and Mcintosh 301 can do that. When I mentioned this to sales reps at dealers, they were all skeptical. They said pre-amp/amp is always better or go for int-amp. I am not s sure. Mcintosh manual shows how to connect CD player to power amp directly and it makes better sense for me since I am not going to have any other source unit. If I need more later, I can always add pre-amp. Is pre-amp really necessary?

Showing 1 response by reubent

It simply comes down to preference. I use CD direct to amp for the simplicity, cost savings and great resolution. I may give up a bit of dynamic drive, but honestly I couldn't tell the difference when I stuck a pre-amp into the mix.

If you only need a single source system, try CD direct. It might save you a lot of money that you can save by not buying a pre-amp.
