Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  

Showing 5 responses by charles1dad

As Mapman said you have to listen to them and decide. Some people are very pleased with certain class D amplifiers. Thus far in my experience a high quality class AB and definitely class A are better sounding. I’m with George on this one. This could change in the future with further class D development, so time will tell. For some listeners such as Mapman the future has arrived and I can appreciate that per their perspective,  truly an individual call.
I’m glad you making progress in your recovery. ThankGod for seat belts and air bags. I’ve witness people make significant improvement with physical therapy (and time) following a major MVA.

Hi Guido,
When you say that you and Bill use your own ears and thus determined that class D suits you all I don’t believe anyone here would dispute this conclusion. Those who find class D undesirable are equally credible in their listening evaluations as well. One view doesn’t hold more merit than the other. The verdict is a split decision of yays and nays as with virtually any audiophile/High End topic. What impresses you or Bill may disappoint someone else who just has different taste and sonic criteria. Both sides of of this issue have IMO made compelling points. For there to be implication that if one is critical of class D they’re closed minded is misguided. It just means they listened and were honestly underwhelmed. We both would surely agree with the mantra of YMMV. 
Hi Guido,
Regarding the notion of dismissing a class based on selected specifications I’m with you 100%, dogma doesn’t work for me. It has to be based on actual listening experiences. I also agree with you in that within any audio product genre inevitably a hierarchy is established, class D amplifiers included. I’m very fond of SET amplification but readily admit there’s a definite spectrum of quality and performance.

I without reservation respect the listening impressions that you and others here have posted pertaining to class D amplifiers, who am I to say that you all are wrong? My point is that by the same token those who’ve listen to these amplifiers and rejected them on sonic/musical grounds have simply expressed themselves openly. I’ll make it a point to hear a Jeff Rowland class D amp based on your genuine enthusiasm. It could certainly be better than the Mola Mola amplifier I’ve heard a couple of times.
Thanks for your real world experience driven insight. I will always place more weight on actual use and listening experiences than the hypothetical/theory argument. Ironic given the contrary opinion of some on this threat that tube and class D amplifiers are superb driving your 1 ohm load Apogee speakers.