CDP to DAC cable

I recently picked up a Paradisea DAC from a fellow a-gonner & need a cable to hook it up with. Does anyone have a suggestion on a good digital cable under $200? This is my first DAC & I'm not terribly fluent in digital cables.

Showing 2 responses by tobias

Depending on the connectors used, the VH Audio cryo Pulsar is a very nice digital cable for under or about your stated price. I found that a 1.5 meter length gave best resolution.

It takes a long long time to break in--in my system, over 2 weeks running 24/7--but getting noticeably nicer sound every day is a thrill.
Fishboat, the Canare cable Jhold recommends would be my entry-level choice, as long as it had good connectors. I used a 1.5m version of it for a while and was impressed, in fact I think I still have it.

The extra half meter costs very little and made a big difference in my system and in three others I have heard.

As for the Auricle Encore, I have two of Mr. Mazzaglia's analog cables and I consider them very good value indeed. I have not heard his digital cable but I would certainly expect good things of it.