Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.


Showing 9 responses by dletch2

Money, and position often convinces people that they are smarter than they really are. Case in point. Good at guitar, not so good at critical thinking. That never happens with audiophiles of course.
Reality is assigned a liberal bias to avoid having to deal with reality. I am pretty right wing on many things, most don’t consider me very PC. But reality and respect don’t have a side.
Woh there oldhvymec, you have stepped way over a line!  Ted Nugent and Alice Cooper are nothing alike. Ted Nugent is a twit. Uninformed, unintelligent twit. Alice Cooper is nothing like that. There is an obvious brain in his head that he actually uses. While Nugent was claiming that the virus was a hoax, this is what Alice Cooper said in August last year.

“Starve this thing to death, if you wear your mask if you wash your hands-the reason we are going down right now because every time I go to Safeway everybody’s wearing a mask and everybody is doing what their supposed to do," Cooper proclaimed. "So if you starve this thing, it’ll go away. That’s the only way to kill it.”

perkri358 posts
04-21-2021 10:49amQuestion to the CV19 naysayers, do you actually believe what you are writing, or are you spewing this to get a rise out of people?

Unfortunately pekri, they are completely serious. It is a problem of extremity. Being skeptical is good. Usually that is a very good quality. However, in some, that skepticism is very selective, and very extreme. Perhaps selective skepticism is not even the right designation.  Would it be selectively skeptical to not doubt audio tweak claims, or is it because you have extreme skepticism about anything claimed by relevantly knowledgeable people. I believe it may be the latter. I guess that is still selective skepticism, but perhaps it is really about total avoidance of anything that can be designated as authority, even when that "authority", which is only informational, is acting in your best interests.

Psychologically I think it is all a manifestation of insecurity. If you are insecure, you may not be able to admit, even to yourself, that someone, no matter their level of expertise, knows more than you, even though, for most of us, we realize that is the case on almost everything. That does not mean you don't question "experts" as they often step out of their actual expertise and make gross generalizations. We all remember "experts" telling us masks won't help, even when every available piece of evidence said they may. Problem was, those experts were not experts in the actual mechanics of transfer of similar diseases, and the claims were based on established facts, ignoring similar, but as of yet unproven in this case, facts.  What they did was equivalent to a smoker saying I have never got cancer from smoking before, so I won't in the future.

When you need to feed that insecurity, you will grasp onto anything that supports that goal. Masks is another good example. Virus is <0.3uM, N95 masks only claim to be 95% effective with particles at 0.3uM.  No where in that statement does it claim that particles <0.3um cannot be stopped, but if you need to feed an insecurity, that will be what you grasp onto. [Due to electrostatic attraction, many N95 masks are more effective at 0.1uM than they are at 0.3uM].
And don't fool yourself with that mask idiocy. Just virtue signaling when you watch how people utilize these face diapers. It's all about feeling like you've "done your part".

And you are basing your expert opinion on what evidence?  Some people using them poorly?  Most people use them effectively. 
Fisher, we are all adults. It may not be obvious, but we appear to be. I think we can decide what we want to read or not. The best disinfectant is sunlight.

The so called shot is not a vaccine. It is a rdna synthetic gene therapy. You want the shot go get it and stfu those who don’t it is within there right not to. I won’t go into the rest but this will sum it up.

”You are subjecting your self to a life changing shot and wearing a mask based only on the fact your government told you to.

And the best cure for making statements like this is education. 

1) MRNA vaccines are absolutely vaccines. They do not make you immune by modifying your DNA, no matter what you may read on the web. A "normal" vaccine uses dead viral particles, or parts of dead virus to stimulate an immune response. MRNA vaccines tell cells in your body to generate spike proteins the same as Covid19 spike proteins, but not the whole virus obviously. Then, your body, in the normal course of fighting disease, develops the ability to deal with the spike proteins, which allows it subsequently to fight a real infection. 

2) Masks work. Period.  Getting infected is a statistical event. Not every viral particle makes someone sick. It gets stuck in mucus, your bodies immune systems kills it, etc.  The more viral particles you are exposed to, the greater odds you will end up with an infection. That is how diseases in general and respiratory aerosol infections transmit. We know, with absolute certainty, that wearing a mask reduces the particles you emit, and we know that wearing ones reduces the viral particles you inhale. The better the mask on each end, the better the protection. It is not perfect, and it does not need to be. The critical goal is to get reduce the infection rate which stops spread. Whether you believe that to be true or not, does not matter.

Now if you want to talk about rights, there is a common saying, I think most agree with it. YOUR rights END where MINE BEGIN.  If you don't want to wear a mask, or get vaccinated, that is your choice, your right. However,  you don't have a right to, through willful negligence put me, my kids, my parents, my family, or my friends at risk. Don't wear a mask. Don't get a shot. Fine. Just stay away from other people. Don't go shopping. Don't go to the mall. Work from home. Be a hermit. However, if you want to participate in society, and have the benefits of society, then you need to make personal sacrifices. My grandparents took up arms and defended the country with their lives. All you have to do is wear a mask and get a shot that is going to do nothing but greatly increase your chances of not dying.

I honestly don't know if Trump is truly racist. Xenophobic highly likely. If you take out the racist in your sentence, the guaranteed accuracy goes way up. He did good things economically, and the tariffs were absolutely the right thing to do. He got people in the Middle East to talk, didn't start any new wars, and scared Kim enough to reduce the sabre rattling. But as a "wartime" President, he was a failure. People died due to his inaction. Period.
pesky, may want to clarify that by "grab the bull by the horns" you mean get vaccinated, at least that is what i think.