Cat owner wants speakers

Lately I've been looking at new speakers, but I'm nervous about some designs that might attract the attentions of our cat. Cremonas have those scintillating strings in front, Vandersteens have the sock extending all the way to the floor, Zen Adagios have a front port that a cat would probably like to sleep in. I hate to diqualify otherwise nice speakers because of the potential damage a 6-pound cat might do...I'd appreciate suggestions anyone might have tried to protect their speakers, or discourage the cat. Or, other speakers to consider?

My wife values the cat more than she values me, so I probably shouldn't try to Velcro the cat to the wall while I'm out, or similar ideas...thanks...

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

The Gallos do not have a metal cage. They have a metal frame with cloth surrounding it. The Dues and the Reference AVs DO have a metal cage.

As for the cat, simply keep an eye on him (her?) and if he claws the speaker grills, shoot him with a mister full of water. I guarantee he'll only do it once or twice before he associates speaker clawing with a very unpleasant wet coat.

Problem solved...
