CartageRrecommendations, totally lost.

I am looking for some cartage recommendations. Unfortinally whatever dealer I ask seems to know little about vinyl and recommends what he can get some recommend some that are 1200 others recommend some that are 6k so I think the knowledge base is better here. I am looking for kind of the sweet spot price wise towards the higher end I listen to vocals, classical and jazz mostly but anything could wind up spinning one night depending on who is over and how much I have had to drink. My system is a Basis Debut, Vector4, to Aesthetix IO phono stage to Aesthetix preamp and Vandersteen 7 speakers. Since I have only herd a few cartages in totally different systems I am a bit lost.

Showing 1 response by dre_j

I have setup multiple cartridges on that arm. It can handle nearly anything you throw at it. Being unsure of your sound preferences prevents me from making an informed recommendation on a cartridge. Even with a recommendation, I'd still suggest getting a listen to the cartridge if possible. Perhaps a conversation is in order.
