Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?

Just curious. People have asked about watches,
cigars, beer, and even ones income here.

1: What do you drive (daily & weekends)?
2: What might you be driving in the future?
3: What would you drive if $$$ was no object (pick 2 ;-)?

My answers to the above:
1: Toyota truck.
2: Newer Toyota truck.
3: Lamborghini Murcielago & McLaren F1.

Showing 4 responses by gliderguider

Daily driver: BMW 540i/6
Future car: The same
Cost no object: BMW M5 (no need for a second choice)
I've recently undergone an attitude-ectomy. I just traded in my 2000 BMW 540i/6, and in its place I'm driving a 2001 VW Jetta TDI. I decided that doing my bit to save the planet was more important than being BMOC. The new ride is even running on biodiesel. My only concession to performance was having an Upsolute chip installed.

That leaves the future ride and cost-no-object categories open. With the probability of getting another 350,000 miles out of the car I now have, the future may have changed a bit by the time I get there. And cost-no-object cars just aren't part of my world-view any more.

That Bimmer sure was nice, though...
Abe_av, I drove the 540 for five years, so I don't feel too hard done by in the entertainment department. On the conservation side - I know the feeling that our individual consumption is a drop in the bucket compared to the industrial requirements of China or the USA. However, all that industrial need is merely the sum of the needs of the individuals involved. As such, I'm convinced you can't lower the big numbers without first lowering the small ones. "Think globally, act locally" is the meme, and if the changes don't start with us, where will they start?
I'm driving a 2001 Jetta TDI now. I traded in my 2000 BMW 540i/6 for it and I'm as happy as a clam. When the kids are all gone we might consider a Smart Car.