Capacitance: Help me understand

I have been trying to match interconnects with my system. everyone keeps telling me I probably have a capacitance problem with the Wireworld Gold Eclipse III that connects my preamp and amp. I have no idea of what this is, but Isure can hear the effect it is supposedly causing, a too deep soundstsage with diminished volume from the center image.Can someone explain capacitance to me? I am not stupid, just clueless.

Showing 1 response by estrnad

Although I'll probably be trashed by other engineers, I think it all has to do with the speed of electrons.

Capacitance slows them down. (Remember EE-101: voltage can't chage instantaneously through a capacitor.) Ideally you to want them to move as close to the speed o' light as possible. I think this explains why silver conductors have a distinctive sound; ie, great transients & realism.