Can I play Tidal on two devices at the same time?

I thought I read when I signed up for Tidal HiFi that you could play it on like 5 devices. I assumed that meant 5 devices simultaneously. Well we downloaded Tidal (actually LUMIN that incorporates Tidal into their app) on the iPad for playing at home. We also downloaded Tidal on the wifeys phone so she can listen while she’s at work. Well, I noticed while at home the Tidal kept stopping. About that same time my wife texted me and told me the Tidal on her phone kept stopping. Apparently we were both stealing the Tidal connection from each other. Is this how it’s suppose to work or should we be able to acces Tidal from more than one device at the same time?


Showing 1 response by jiangmian

You can try to upgrade your Tidal account to Family Plan, which allows you to play Tidal music at a time on 3 different devices and add 5 members to your Tidal account. Or, you might use a Tidal music converter to convert and download Tidal music to the local folder. In this way, you can play Tidal offline on all devices without limitations.