Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh

Southwest audio show apparently was a big hit and a great place for audio.

It's nice to see Jay is taking an interest in McIntosh amplifiers. He has a 2 boxes in his lab containing MC 901 dual mono amplifiers that can be used to biamp lots of things including speakers , a tube/solid state amplifier. He promises a review sometime soon.

Additionally he's got brand new speakers and we don't know what they are because they are Hidden behind acoustical panels waiting to be unveiled sometime by Thanksgiving.

Jay predicts his brand will be bigger than southwest audio show.  Jays audio show coming to a Texas town near you. 

Looking forward to all the excitement. 



Showing 1 response by pindac

I have been privy to many of the presentations done by Jay.

I think they are ideal for somebody attempting to learn about the aesthetic appearance of a Product and getting a gauge on the size of the product as well.

The above is where it stops, Jay is not competent as a auditioner, there is much that can and should be discussed that is not even broached upon, I have seen the Specialist also present in the Video, that does not extend the commentary to the topics that should be discussed.

I have no intention of trolling through Audio Equipment the way that is being seen, additionally, I am not overly impressed with uber expensive Audio Equipment, even if it has got the capability to show up a deficiency in my own equipment.

I know from my own experiences of standing in rooms with uber expensive equipment in use. That the notion of spending an extra £200K to get a 10%-20% if as the improvement, is a stupidity as a plan. Much better to throw in the towel than give somebody a 400% mark up on their low turnover products.

That luxury can be left to the others who join up in force with Jay in the long drawn Venture of the ’Lost leading the Lost’