Best thread poster for 2001?

Who is the best thread poster for 2001. There have been some great posts during 2001. There seem to about 20 to 25 people who do a lot of the posting. All seem to have a great love of audio and a lot on knowledge and respect for others opinions. My vote would go to cfb.

Showing 1 response by redkiwi

Summer holidays, and I am returning to this old haunt to find the same (mainly) bunch of crazy characters are still here. What's more they remember me!

This really is a fantastic site. I have met here some wonderful people, and several of them have been very helpful to me in one way or several - Jadem6, Dekay, Brulee, Albertporter, Sdcampbell, Garfish, Sean, Caterham1700, Slawney, Gregm, Lak, Sedond, Megasam, Subaruguru, .......