Best sounding LP nobody else has ever heard of...

I've been off the 'Gon for quite some time due to fatherhood, and was just perusing old threads. I came across "dissapointing audiophile recording" which got me thinking - by far some of the best LP's in my collection (sonically and performance-wise) are NOT the so-called audiophile issues, but just the opposite, they're ones that are never mentioned anywhere. It's often a complete surprise, and sometimes I know within 10 or 20 seconds of dropping the needle that I've got a really special one. So we're not looking for Jennifer Warnes, Pink Floyd, or even Strunz and Farah here... I'm travelling in Asia for 3 weeks, so I can't list mine very accurately by memory, but I will when I return if this thread picks up any steam.

Showing 1 response by ajahu

Mercury Living Stereo series, especially I like Dorato conducting Bartók and Kodály. They really deserve attention.