Best Koetsu for SME V

I have a SME V with a Benz Ruby 2. I want to jump into the Koetsu club. What would be the best Koetsu to match the SME V. Some say that the "stone" ones (Jade-Onyx) would be too heavy for the V although there is now a new SME specially design weight to accomodate the heaviest cartridges like the Clearaudio Goldfinger at 16g. Anyway, any thoughts much appreciated. Anything Urushi and above. Gain is not an issue. I can go as low as .1mv

Showing 2 responses by jaytea

I tried a Urushi with SME 20/2 & SME IV.Vi (with damping trough). Glorious sound with classical, but still have a bit problem with sibilance on hot-cut vocals.
Paladin: Is the Grandezza arm a good match for the SME 20/2 ? Is the table worthy the arm?
Thanks (Sorry Smoffatt)