Best bargain for speaker that can offer top sound

What speakers of yesteryear can offer excellent sound,accurate bass, imaging, transarency, sound stage, etc. for less money than today's top models prices?

Showing 4 responses by sogood51

Apogee, Grand, fullrange, Scintilla, Diva can compete at any price level. You will need a large dedicated room to set them up properly, or don't bother.

I must have read the question wrong...I thought he said:

"today's top models", top of the line type stuff, not bang for buck.

01-16-07: Brauser

.....Ya, thats what I thought he was talking about.


Ya...I agree. The "best bargain" part for sure. He did say "for less money than today's top models prices"...I ran with that part.

Best bargain only...I'd have went with the Maggie MMG's...around $350 used.
