Berkeley Audio Design and MQA?

Why did they espouse MQA, knowing, as we all do now, the inherent flaws and falsehoods?


Showing 4 responses by tomic601

For those seeking to possibly discern sonic differences in formats, my strong suggestion is a visit to the Grammy winning 2L Recordings ( The Nordic Sound ) free downloads bench……

@8th-note ah…. you are Sir… the finest recent example of WHY i still spend time here - bravo :-) Clearly a voice i shall pay more, much more attention to going forward.

Best to you in music and in life !


Those of us who have heard and compared more than a few A2D converters… would deeply understand the improvement genesis behind the MQA idea….

MQA ..very much like both the A2D and the DAC ( in many cases plural ) used to create / mix / deliver the modern music we all enjoy… ( or not ) ALL have issues… attempting to fix those issues - often directly liked to the various filters ESSENTIAL to ALL digital IS / WAS a noble pursuit…

Did you ask the very accomplished people at Berkeley ?

I own a  DAC still in production some ten years in… @erik_squires .. i view this as good compared to the seemingly endless parade of dac de jour round here….