Balanced audio switching

My Oppo BDP-95 connects to the single balanced analog input of my Cary 11a processor for stereo. I want to connect my Sony XA5400ES to that same Cary balanced input. Only one player at a time would have an active signal. Can I use a $25 Y cable from Blue Jeans or do I need something like a $190 Kramer box? Can both players be powered up even though only one has output?

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Showing 3 responses by dbphd

Sorry, Riffer, I overlooked the link you provided in your earlier post.

I've now seen online balanced switches ranging in price from $180 to $372. The $180 MAD unit seems to offer 4 to 2 pairs of connections, the $192 Kramer 4 to 1, the $373 Goldpoint 2 to 1. The Goldpoint unit appears to be the most handsome, followed by the MAD unit, then the industrial looking Kramer. I wonder if there is any functional difference. Do you hear any decrement in audio quality when using the switch?

Thanks for the advice, Al. Wayne at Blue Jeans also advised that I go with the passive switch box, so that's what I'll do. I'll also check out MAD.


Can you provide a link or more info on the MAD switch. I've been unable to find anything about it.