AXPONA or T.H.E. Newport?

I've been to the past two Newport shows but I'm wondering how AXPONA compares. What do you think?
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Showing 4 responses by mrschret

Very glad someone else will be there with their wife. I was their last year with my wife and on Saturday you could count the amount of women there on your fingers. Sunday there seemed to be a better female showing but still rather sparse. We will be attending again this year and she's already hoping that there are a few more women. I understand that this tends to be more of a male dominated hobby but my wife enjoys the music and she does have her opinions about the equipment we buy. As for the show, it was the only one I had ever attended so I can't make any comps. All indications were that it was a big success. That's why they decided to bring it back even bigger. I'm hoping they make it a yearly stop. Seeing as how I live only about a half hour away makes it even better.
Essential, that's disappointing news. I hope your wrong. Last years show success and this years expected success seems to prove that there is a market for this product in this area. Of course, the true success can't just be measured by attendance but more by way of the manufacturers bottom lines. Does partaking in this show prove to be worth the time and expense by an uptick in sales? My guess, and it's just a guess of course, would be that a metropolitan area as big as Chicagoland would prove yes. If Axpona needs to move on it would still be nice if some sort of show like this would fill the void.