Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2

A knowledgeable industry insider with zero affiliation says the Diamond is still the more musical. Revels fanfare in industry rags has been so overwhelming; can this possibly be true?

Showing 8 responses by johnsonwu

Anyone out there who wants to get a pair of perfect balance speakers? I have two for sale and you are welcome to bring your own gear to my place and try out.
Just picked up a pair of early Eidolon Diamonds. Still have my Eidolon and Ascent. Took a "detour" in recent years and decided to go the JM Lab Utopia Be route and experimented with redoing the crossover of an infamously bad Utopia Divas. While there is no way a stock Utopia Diva Be can come close to the imaging dept of any of the 3 Avalons, let alone a muddy bass, a tweaked out Utopia CAN image as well as the Diamonds and the smooth fluidity of the Be tweeter mated with the right crossover caps in my opinion beats the diamonds any day.
I use my own DIY preamp based on an MFA lumi.
It's ability to convey "body" and "image density" compensates for the tendency to thinness of the avalons. I have owned a few BAT pcs before.

Regarding moving up. I realized I moved up by moving down to a DIY modded utopia divas hence the eidolon moving out of my house. The diamonds are definitely all round better than the eidolons, and doesn't have the bass issues of the utopia. But when it comes to chamber music nothing comes close to the infamously bad made for home theater utopia divas I spent time modding. As for the avalons, no access so no mods possible.
Tempted to sell both my Eidolon and my newly acquired Eidolon Diamond. I think the combination of the problems with my room and a gradual change in sonic preference has gotten me to gradually drift away from Avalon's mega precision kind of sound.
I concur with Omsed's opinion posted on 5/27.
Both my eidolons and diamonds have a tendency for the mid high to thin out. The original eidolon is a bit grainier and misses the ultimate in resolution vs the diamonds. The diamonds have a more accurate sounding mid bass that no longer excites my small room.
But my low ceiling really reveals their tendency to thin out and a slight exaggeration of the mid highs, which make them sound so 3D and airy when playing certain material. I don't know anything about the Salons but I do find the inefficiency and current requirements posing a challenge to amps and speaker cables. Much much more so than "easy" speakers like Utopia.
The sound of violins is very hard to "tame" on both Eidolons.
Any time I use a stock non-triode tube amp or Solid state amp they thin out very noticeably. Much more so with the Eidolons. I recall using all Audio Research gear (stock) and boy I had to reach for Advil everytime a violin concerto is played.
I have no problems with the sharp focus, likely because of a smaller room and I did a lot of experimentation with rear wall distance and toe in.
BTW My experience is that Cardas speaker cables for some strange reason will make the vocal image unnaturally large, at least with the old Eidolons.
Disagree with Rushton. I still have the ascents and they are side by side with the eidolons. The ascents by Hansen don't go high enough nor do they go deep. But they are more coherent and do not thin out as much as eidolon when driven with trl Samson (the only thing that has enough power for them). Image size and body are slightly superior.
Omsed that makes me realize I am a horse hoarder. Three thoroughbred Avalons and a bastardized Focal. Heard the rockport Mira driven by lamm hybrids and audio research ref5 a few years ago. Ouch!!! Thin and sharp as a butchers cleaver.