Atma Sphere

Do Atma Spheres generate much heat? What about tube maintenance? Are the amps stable or do they require constant tube replacement and monitoring? Thanks

Showing 1 response by rushton

The Atma-Sphere amplifiers are totally stable and absolutely reliable. The output tubes are very rugged tubes and will run for a long, long time. When replacement time does come, they are not terribly expensive and they do not have to be matched. A-S sells them at very reasonable price.

The bias on the amps remains very stable, in my experience. Over the first 30-days, you will need to monitor/adjust it every few days, but once it settles in, it will stay very stable.

All of the Atma-Sphere amps operate in Class A. Any output device run in Class A, solid-state or tube, throws off a fair amount of heat. How much heat depends on which model amp you're talking about due to the varying number of output tubes. The M-60s are modest heat producers compared to the MA-2s. The MA-2s, which I own, will definitely warm up a room.

I agree with the recommendation to visit the Atma-Sphere Owner's Group web site, The folks who post there would be happy to answer other questions you may have.