Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?

I haven't read a spicy fight here on Audiogon in ages. What happened to you all?

Showing 2 responses by sbank

The Illuminati are watching!
Long live Freedonia! (now on dvd!) Cheers,
Very disappointed that so many pick up on the Dan Brown reference(yes, boa--agree it's dumbed-down), bur NOBODY commented on the Marx Brothers reference! And to think I almost thought I'd found the elusive worthy club that would even have me(let alone Slappy!) as a member.

Wanna stir it up, fine.

Hey Sam Tellig: Quit talking about the Inmates and pick on us for a change!
Hey Big Andy: HAVE YOU GONE AWAY? He is the all caps retailer, right? You should have the ALL CAPS OLYMPICS with a certain pomp-ass from Philly. Winner is the one with the highest $ value system that customers aren't allowed to listen to.
Hey Shun Monks: I'd like to buy some wooden disks to put on my I-pod. Do you have anything for < $300 that will make MP3s sound like music and will grant me infinite wisdom? I could go $350 for the infinite wisdom.
Last thought, a pub full of the posters in this thread would be a hell of a lot of fun. Cheers,