Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?

I haven't read a spicy fight here on Audiogon in ages. What happened to you all?

Showing 2 responses by lakefrontroad

Yes, that is a piece of audio art in the back of my listening room. No, it doesn't make music. I can only surmise that similar ones in other's rooms might. I spoke with the distributor prior to uncrating it and reshaping it into the form shown in the picture. Didn't seem to impact it's ability to recreate sound. I learned a lot about physics puting it together.

Personally, I'm reminded of the movie Wild Wild West and the contraption used as a transportation device. To date, mine seems about as useful. There seems to be a pump reality problem. Perhaps, a Bill reality problem. I need to discuss this with the distributor again.

I also believe that a slight adjustment to the independence of the legs would serve my sense of security a lot. I'll try to convince him to agree.

I find it interesting that you bring up my speed control stand. Yes, it's art. And I thank you for noticing.

No, I haven't decided on a replacement. Perhaps I will.

Frankly, I'm impressed that no one commented on the world's ugliest chair which may also be the world's most comfortable and hold a world class price tag. It does illustrate how out of control I am. I sat in the chair at the showroom. Loved the feel, hated the look and bought it without measuring the height to my ears. STUPID! Now, I'm having a platform eleven inches high made by my cabinetmaker to bring my ears up to the same forty seven inches they were with the world's most uncomfortable but masculinly cool chair, next to the aforementioned world's most ugly chair. GOOD MOVE EICHENGRUN.

Yes, I can conclusively agree that digital is better than analog and digital is better than tubes. Now that I've replaced the Philips transport with the EMM Labs CDSD I have music.

No comment on the music I don't have.

It probably doesn't hurt that I haven't heard vinyl in the room yet, I probably will be screaming that digital sucks when I do.

No, I'm not going to comment on tubes vs solid state. I am envious of the beautiful glow everytime I go to my friend Steve's house and listen to his Tenor 75's.

Now as to antagonisms...
What are you guys thinking, being so polite. I've gone to sleep looking for an adult thread here on A'gon. I thought that you've all died.

I suppose the old hate mail was difficult for the site, but really? If you can't hate the one you're with, what the hell is life for?

I miss you're real thoughts which bring out the mirror to your sick minds. Thank you for being aberrant. I feel at home.


The world sucks!

Disaster after disaster. Which ones of you are responsible for these? We want to know. It's time to root you out and punish you.

The war continues to muttle along, one human bomb after another. The only thing that's better about Iraq than Vietnam is we don't get live shots of the killing during the six o'clock news and made up body counts.

I want to thank the few brave ones who aren't appologetic for having a dissonant opinion. Thank God!

When the Democratic ex-president says nice things about the incumbent Republican president during a presidential election, what is left?

To me, it's much akin to liking the competitors I race against on the track. I'm reminded of the Montreal Canadians maxim of the sixties; if you can beat them in the alley, you can beat them on the ice.

Let's keep the friendship to a minimum and remember this is adult entertainment.

Now, it's time for the big boys to sign in here are have a few words to the fans.
