Are SET amps "quieter" than push/pull tube amps?

So had a recent discussion with a dealer regarding the sonic qualities of SET amplifiers, for potential use with high efficiency horns.

The dealer (very knowledgeable guy) contends that push pull amps will be too "noisy" when used with high quality horn speakers (think Avantgarde, Cessaro  etc.).  

I ask as I was considering combining horns with either VAC or ARC amplifiers.

Can anyone explain to me why a low powered SET would be more "quiet" and work better with such speakers than an ARC Ref 75 or VAC 200iq (as examples)?

BTW I realize that noise can be an issue with high efficiency horns.  So is it that most tube amps have too low a signal to noise ratio?  Or some other factor?



Showing 1 response by mihorn

OP   is it that most tube amps have too low a signal to noise ratio?  Or some other factor?

The reason why audio systems are noisy because all audio systems sound unnatural. The natural sound is very quiet.

In below video, 
1) From 0 ~ 0.07, both spkrs sound fine because your ears adapt quickly to sounds.

2) 0:08 ~ 0:22 the natural sound spkr sounds quiet (no bad noise) and fine.

3) 0:25 ~ 0:35 the unnatural sound spkr sound OK (with some bright noises), your ears quickly adjust to the unnatural sound. ** Your ears are biased and in unnatural sound mode now.

4) 0:37 ~ 0:44 the natural sound is weak and unclear because your biased ears are not quickly adjust to the natural sound since unnatural sound is powerful and harsh. Natural sound is soft and delicate.

5) 0:52 ~ 0:59 Your ears recovered with my voice support. Your ears are in natural sound mode now.

6) 1:00 ~ 1:25 the natural sound spkr sounds fine.

7) 1:27 ~ 2:00 Your ears are confused between natural sound (my voice) and unnatural spkr sound. Your ears switch very fast between my voice and spkr sounds to comprehend both. **Lot's of listener's fatigue this stage. All hi-fi systems sound/behave like this and results much listener’s fatigue between natural sounds (dog’s bark, kitchen sounds, people talking, car sounds, etc.) and unnatural audio sounds. Therefore, hi-fi audio listening is preferred at quiet late night.

8) 2:05 ~ 2:18 your ears are easily adjust to the natural sound with my voice. Notice the natural sound is very quiet.

All audio systems in the world behave like the left speaker and you will hear some noises from an audio system. Alex/Wavetouch

Killing me softly - (Natural vs. Un-natural sound), PA speaker comparison.