Anyone heard the new Moody Blues SACDs yet?

I ordered mine from the Elusive Disc but I don't expect they will arrive until next week. I'm pretty anxious to give these a listen. Anyone here had the chance to listen to these yet? What do you think? If you own the MoFi Cd's, how do they compare? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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I received mine and am listening to them one by one and find that they seem to have more information or at least are mixed more forward. I was very disappointed in finding that "In Search of the Lost Chord" was only 2 channel and not 5.1 as advertised. Elusive Disc did confirm that they too were mis-lead by the distributer and had thought it was 5.1 as well. I did also find that "On the Threshold of a Dream" would not play in my Ayre C5XE but it looks to have surface defects. Elusive Disc is replacing it. Other than that I think they are a good investment. The bonus tracks are interesting and only in two channel but enjoyable as well. Really wanted to hear "legend of a mind" in surround though. I have checked with the other sellers to check if maybe there are two versions of these discs, but I doubt it.
MoFi, I'm just clinging to those younger years of long long ago! By the way just spoke with all the big three Sellers Acoustic Sounds , Elusive Disc and Music Direct and it appears that they were all mis-lead by the distributer in that "In Search of the Lost Chord" was represented to them as 5.1 whne in fact it is only 2 channel.