Anyone Hear New Ohm Walsh MKIII driver upgrades?

I have the Ohm Walsh 200 MkII and am wondering about the "NEW" MkIII with the new silk-dome tweeeters? How do they compare? What changes were made? And most importantly how do they sound? .....And has anyone sold their Walshes and been satisfied with another speaker manufacturer?

Showing 1 response by dsremer

Have not heard the new ones yet but I have a pair of walsh 300 mk11 formally in my 2 channel system now in my hometheater system along with rebuilt walsh 4,s in the back. What the Ohms do(imaging and soundstage) is hard to compete with, but what they are not the best at is defination or sweetness of the mids and top end. I now have a pair of Tyler Woodmeres for my 2 channel set up that I am very happy with. They have a full soundstage and dig much deeper into the music