Anyone have comments on radical toe in?

I have pretty much followed the speaker manufacturers rules when it comes to speaker placement and toe in.
Even used the Merlin alignment thingies when I had Merlins.

But I experimented with radical toe in on my Grand Veenas and it is working better for me than the advised way.

I saw photos of several, radically toed in speakers from coverage of RMAF 09 and thought I would give it a go.

Maybe not all will agree, but it works for me.

Showing 2 responses by lacee

I went back to the conventional set up, nearly no toe in.

The radical toe in that I tried was a 7 inch difference between the left side of the speaker's top and the right side.In my case the left side of the speaker was 60 inches from the back wall and the right (angled)side of the speaker was 67 inches.

It made for a very nice full centre stage, like super mono.
The sound was a bit less diffuse(less room interaction-sidewall?)than usual.

The draw back was a sense that you had to listen in for the music as opposed to letting the music come to you.

Either way has it's benefits.
The old more than two ways to skin...

Drew your findings are the same as mine were.

I guess when I get the dreaded upgraditis, I'll just toe the speakers in again.