Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333?

Anyone expecting one soon or received theirs?

My biggest question is, does the Diablo 333 have a slightly dark, rich, bassy tone to it, like the Diablo 300 and the Antileon Evo? Or is it the more neutral “Essence” sound?




Showing 5 responses by kairosman

Gryphon's brand ambassador Rune says the 333 will have more in Class A, how much more isn't clear yet. - so will it run hotter as it already runs pretty warm?

Also he said there's new transistors, the Sankens in the 300 have a warmish character (see Rega's Aethos) hopefully the new ones won't change the tonal character of the amp because I agree the 300 imparts a bit of gravy that makes poor turkey recordings palatable.

Regardless, curious how much better the 333 would have to be to get 300 owners to upgrade, how about you?


If the 333 is as much a step up as the 300 was from the 250 then I guess I’ll be upgrading too, damn it!

McIntosh is good but not at the level of Gryphon, however lol the blue meter cult does continue on unabashedly.

On the Gryphon website the 333 is specified at 112 lbs so its added 22 lbs - if that’s not just ’fat’ but real muscle we might be in for a serious upgrade!

I have a 300 and unless the performance were substantially better, which is hard to do given how good the 300 is, I can't see myself upgrading. I got my 300 for $18K CAD new in 2022 just before the last price increase. A new 333 in my neck of the woods is around $30K CAD. 

I imagine used 300s will soon pop up for sale as some owners upgrade, if some can be had for under $15K, they'd be a no brainer as there is no integrated you can buy new for that money that comes close IME.

BTW my Gryphon dealer in Vancouver has a demo 300 with DAC on sale for $20K CAD, 42% off retail. Good deals on 300s are going to be coming fast and furious, just thought I'd share the info for anyone out there who's ever wanted one.

Yes that's why they are doing a fire sale, no idea why they've parted ways but can't be easy to replace Gryphon with something comparable.